Category Archive For "Niche Sites"
NSJ Update #9 – I Sold the Niche Site for $35,000!
NOTE: I sold my NICHE website for $35,000, not this website – Passion Into Paychecks! I have been getting a lot of questions/comments about people thinking I sold PiP. In the last NSJ update, which was at the end of December, I said that the site was valued at around $15,500 if I wanted to …
How an Amazon Niche Site Made me $16,843.01 in One Year
I started an Amazon niche site one year ago in April and since then it has made me close to $17,000. In this post I will be explaining how I accomplished this as well as why I think everyone should be trying to make money with niche sites. People love to claim that niche sites …
How I Plan Out a Niche Site – Start to Finish
I am not the type of niche site maker who builds out a bunch of different niche sites in bulk and tries to make a couple dollars from each site. I prefer to focus on one niche site at a time and build it up until it can earn by itself, then I move onto …
How I Increased My Niche Site Pageviews by 42% in 10 Minutes
Not only did I increase pageviews, but also average visit duration, pagers per session and decreased the bounce rate with these techniques. I briefly touched on how I did this in January’s income report but I wanted to make a post to fully explain what I did and how you can do the same. Before …
Overview of my Two Niche Sites
Even though I already have done an income report for both of my niche sites already I thought it would be a good idea to give a little more detail about each one of these sites. I want to discuss all of the details that I can but I am not going to give out …